
So Long S&P 500 Index
So Long S&P 500 Index

For decades, professional money managers have used benchmarks for measuring performance. For stocks, the standard index has been the Standard & Poors 500 Index (S&P 500). However, this index has become so extremely concentrated that it is no longer...

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Grading my Market Forecast for 2023 Made in Nov. 2022
Grading my Market Forecast for 2023 Made in Nov. 2022

Recently I sent out a client newsletter which pulled prior posts from my new website and which ended up including my market forecast for 2023 made in November 2022. That was a surprise to me, but it provided an opportunity to see how I did in forecasting the market...

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Personal Inflation Tracker

If you have access to the Wall St. Journal, IMO the best newspaper there is, they have a terrific inflation tracker that breaks down price increases to a very detailed level. You can create your own basket of items you use most to see your personal inflation rate....

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Strategy Update – Nov 2022

Important Strategy UpdateWe have been completely out of stocks and bonds for about half a year and it has served us very well in protecting principal which I view as my primary responsibility. InflationInflation is still out of control, running over 8%, and while the...

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The Fed Wanted More Inflation – They Got It!

Starting in the 2000s the Fed was worried about deflation and started on its course of very extended super-low interest rates in an effort to boost inflation to at least 2%. I said for years that 0% interest outside of a financial crisis and continued massive...

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Is the Stock Market Undervalued After Falling 25% This Year?

The top chart shows the price to earnings ratio of the S&P 500 Stock Market Index. We are now only down to the top end of the long term range. The ratio is not perfect. It can spike when earnings go down a lot as it did in 2003, 2009, and 2020 so you have to...

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Retirement as a Life Goal

Over my nearly 40-year career I have advised a lot of people on retirement planning. Here some key thoughts -  A life goal of no longer being productive but just playing or piddling every day is not consistent with the way God wired men. Adam was put in the...

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We are almost completely out of stocks right now because the trend in the market is sharply lower and I think it could continue to drop quite a bit.

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